BGauss has launched the RUV350 in the Indian market. From July, the BGauss RUV350 will be available for purchase at all 120 dealerships across India. It is priced at Rs 1,09,999 (ex-showroom). It comes with several financial options. It is powered by an in-wheel Hyper Direct Drive motor, which gives it a high range at low energy. Let us know its details in detail.
75 km in RUV 350i EX and RUV 350 EX. The top speed per hour is visible. This EV can go 90 km on a single charge. The Key offers real range, while the RUV 350 Max comes with the same top speed. However, its range is 120 km. is A benefit of up to Rs 20,000 is available on the mid-end top trims. It includes free insurance, warranty on connecting features and extended warranty on battery.
This EV comes with features like 5-inch TFT display, cruise control, hill hold, FOTA, fall sense, turn by turn navigation and call notification. Apart from this, the display is also available in the base variant. All the three variants come with a total of 5 color options.
The BGauss RUV 350 EX is priced at Rs 1,24,999 (ex-showroom) while the RUV 350 Max is priced at Rs 10,000. The main attraction of the RUV350 step-through e-scooter is its gradeability, which enables it to tackle steep slopes with ease.
The BGauss RUV350 has a sustainable metal body, which enhances both its longevity and riding safety. It gets 16-inch wheels, which provide better stability and control. Big wheels enhance the riding quality.
It offers an ergonomic seating arrangement, which provides comfort for long rides, while its large under-seat storage allows riders to carry essentials with ease. It includes call notification, turn-by-turn navigation, live vehicle tracking, geo-fencing and vehicle stability. It comes with a dual theme for day and night mode, document storage, speed, battery condition and range.