Social media platform X has updated its policy. Elon Musk has approved the posting of adult porn content on this platform. Elon Musk himself has been accused of promoting nudity on other social media platforms, particularly Instagram. However, the posting of adult content on their platform is now approved.
The company has also issued guidelines regarding how this content will be displayed and how not. However, after the approval of adult content on X, a question arises whether X will be banned in India. Since, porn websites are banned in India. How can adult content provider X work in such a situation?
The nudity hashtag trending for hours in India
Last week, a hashtag trending around nudity appeared on X on Saturday. On the day the exit poll of the general election in India came out, the word nudity was trending on X from early morning to several hours. Not only this, about 40 lakh hashtags of the word nudity were also used. You can see it in the screenshot below.
However, when that hashtag was clicked, only one pornographic account came up. The shocking thing is that the pornographic account was also verified. Clicking on the latest post keeps showing content with obscene hashtags.
This account remained top trending in India for hours, which was later removed. However, this account is still present on the social media platform, where all the adult content is present.
What is X or new policy?
There are also many accounts on X that share adult content. Such accounts are called NSFW i.e. Not Safe for Work. Since such accounts already exist on X, this policy has not surprised many people.
The social media platform wrote in its adult content policy, 'We believe that users can create, distribute and consume content on sexual themes as long as it is created and distributed in a consensual manner. Sexual expression, visual or artistic expression in text format may be a valid method.'